Events and Festivals

Festivals and Events on visit lao year 2018
12-15  ມັງກອນ 2018             ບຸນເຕັດນືມ(ປີໃໝ່)ຂອງເຜົ່າກືມມຸ                           ເມືອງໄຊ
12-15 January 2018                  Khummu New Year Festival                      Meuang Xay Town
14-16 ກຸມພາ 2018               ບຸນກິນຈຽງເຜົ່າໄຕ (ໄຕດຳ, ໄຕຂ່າວ)                      ເມືອງນາໝໍ້
14-16 February 2018                     Tai New Year Festival                             Meuang NaMor
12-15 ເມສາ 2018                        ບຸນປີໃໝ່ໄຫວພະເຈົ້າສິງຄຳ                              ເມືອງຫຼາ
12-15 April 2018     PhaChaosingkham Buddha Celebration  Festival         Meuang La
23-26 ເມສາ 2018                            ບຸນຊ່ວງເຮືອເດືອນຫ້າ                                     ເມືອງງາ
23-26 April 2018                           Boat Racing Festival                                 Meuang Ngar
4-6 ກັນຍາ 2018                        ບຸນຊ່ວງເຮືອບຸນຫໍ່ເຂົ້າສະຫຼາກ                          ເມືອງປາກແບງ
4-6 September 2018                      Boat Racing Festival                              Meuang Pakbeng
4-6 ຕຸລາ 2018                             ບຸນຊ່ວງເຮືອອອກພັນສາ                                   ເມືອງຮຸນ
4-6 Octopber 2018                        Boat Racing Festival                                Meuang Houn
15 - 17 ພະຈິກ 2018               ເທດສະການສົ່ງເສີມສິນຄ້າຜ້າພື້ນເມືອງ                 ເມືອງແບງ
15-17 November 2018               Traditional Handicraft Festival                     Meuang Beng
24-27 ທັນວາ 2018     ບຸນກິຈຽງເຜົ່າມົ້ງແລະງານວັດທະນະທຳບັນດາເຜົ່າ    ເທດສະບານແຂວງ
24-27 December 2018                       Ethnic Minority Festival                     Oudomxay Town
Traditional festivals
Laos cerebrates many annual festivals called "Boun" in the Lao Language which are particularly enjoyable and beautiful, signifying traditional aspects of Lao lifestyle. Most festivals are connected with religion and the yearly rice farming cycle. The timing of the festivals is calculated according to the Buddhist lunar calendar, thus changing every year. Please check the latest information before visiting these events.
A broad range of festivals take place in all districts of Oudomxay Province. Join them to experience the fascinating cultural life of different ethnic groups.
Almost every month of the year there is either a local festival or celebration in Laos. The word for festival in Lao is boun, which also means doing good things in order to gain merit for subsequent lives. If you are in Oudomxay while any of the festivals are taking place you will surely be welcomed and asked to join the fun. Please feel free to participate, however remember that most of the festivals are based on religious beliefs, so your hosts will appreciate it if you respect local codes of behavior.
Main Event Schedule
Khmu Festival
Hmong New Year
Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year)
Rocket Festival (Boun Bang Fai) Boat Racing Festival (Boun Suang Heua)
January - February
Khmu Festival
Khmu people in Oudomxay they are in Muang Xay, Muang La, Muang Hoon, Muang Beng, Muang Pakbeng and Meuang Namor District. The festival is in January - February. The festival is celebrated after the rice harvest season, "Teck Neum Festival"  it is  main purpose of the celebration is to thank the sipirit of the land and to ensure the  standard of living, better life and good yield for the next harvest season.

Hmong New Year

Hmong people in Oudomxay are in Meuang Xay, Meuang Namor , Meuang Hoon, Meuang Beng and Meuang Pakbeng District. Hmong new year it is in mid December, The festival celebration is just after the Agriculture "rice, con, ect..."  harvest season. the main purpose of the festival is to celebrate for the new year and for all the successful outcomes that the Hmong people have be done for a year and to ensure the living standard. The activity includes playing games between men and women by throwing a small ball to each other, Hmong Khaen blowing plus dancing, flute playing, Hmong traditional singing.
The Hmong New Year celebration features colorful displays of traditional costumes made from green, red and white silk and ornate silver jewelry. Music from traditional Hmong instruments such as the teun-flute, Hmong-style khene pipe and leave blowing is enjoyed. Other festivities include the Makkhon (cotton-ball) throwing ceremony, ox fighting, spinning-top races and crossbow demonstrations.
Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year)
This is the biggest festival of the year all around the country. It is partly a religious festival as it is the time Buddha images are cleansed, but is it also an all-out water festival. For three days be prepared to get wet wherever you go as water is thrown on everyone. In Odomxay  there are traditional processions and many other events. More info

Rocket Festival (Boun Bang Fai)
Boun Bang Fai is  the rocket festival, is held at the beginning of the rainy season. The festival is a call for rain and a celebration of fertility. In the morning a religious ceremony is performed. In the afternoon, people gather in the fields on the outskirts of villages and towns to launch self-made firework rockets. Different communities compete for the best decorated and the highest travelling rocket. Men disguised as women perform vaudeville acts using wooden phalli in order to anger the gods. As revenge, the gods are expected to send thunderstorms. Beginning around the middle of May, the rocket festivals are staggered from place to place to enable greater participation and attendance.
More info

Boat Racing Festival (Boun Suang Heua)
The Boat Racing festival  or in lao called Boun Suang Heua, it is in Mueng La and Pakbeng District it’s an important part of the traditional agricuture cycle. The festival is to tribute to the Naga (mythical snake) with the intention of attractiing the Naga from the inundated rice field into the river . This festival also comment orates the end of the rainning season and bring luck for an abundant harvest. More info
Month Name Ethnic Group Location Definition of Festival
1 Khamu Festival Khamu Xay, La, Houn, Pak Beng, and Beng District This festival is celebrated after the rice has been harvested, that ceremony is held to thank the spirit of the land and to ensure the next harvest will be plentiful
Hmong Festival Hmong Houn, Pak Beng, Nga and Beng District New lunar year festival
Boun Mahachaz Lao Lum Houn District A temple based festival. The festival lasts for three days and three nights. Offerings of visitors are attracting many people to the temple at this time.
2 Khamu Festival Khamu Xay, La, Houn, Pak Beng, and Beng District
Kin Jieng Thai Khao, Tai Dam and Yang Namor, Beng District This festival is celebrated after the rice has been harvested, that ceremony is held to thank the spirit of the land and to ensure the next harvest will be plentiful
Celebrate stupa Lao Lum Xay District This festival lasts for three days and three nights. People usually are offering things such as: candles, incense, water, food, fruit and flowers. In the third day they have Binthabat in the morning.
3 Boun Mahachaz Lao Lum Beng district
Boun Khao Chi Lao Lum Pak Beng District
4 Lao New Year Every ethnic group Every district Lao New Year festival begins in mid April and lasts for three days. Held before the onset of the rainy season, it is also a purification festival during which Buddha images in the household and the temple are ritually cleaned with sacred water. The water from the cleaning ceremonies is then poured or splashed by people on  to each other to cleanse them of bad luck and to bring them luck for the coming year.
Rocket festival Lao Lum La District Rocket Festival - Boun Bang Fai is a rain-making and fertility festival held just before the rainy season. It is a wild and happy ceremony, involving music, dance, and street processions, culminating in the firing of rockets. Rockets are fired to tempt the gods to send the naga from the river bank into the rice field in order to attract rain.
Boat racing festival Lao Lum Nga District Boat racing festival - Boun Souang Heua - is an important part of the traditional agricultural cycle. The festival pays tribute to the naga (mythical snake water deities) with the intention of attracting the naga from the inundated rice field back into the river. This festival also commemorates the end of the rainy season and brings luck for an abundant harvest.
7-8 Boun Kin Pang Tai Khao Beng District This festival is celebrated like the Khamu festival
Boun Kam Pin Ban Thai Khao, Leu Beng District
9 Boun Khao Salak (Boat racing festival) Lao Lum Houn, Pak Beng, Nga District Boun Khao Salak is held on the full moon. This festival involves the giving of offerings to a specific monk, include daily necessities such as: books, pens, sugar, coffee and cigarettes. Lay people also give Tung Peng (wax flowers candles) to monks, bringing merit to the giver
Boun Khao Padab Dinh Lao Lum Nga District Boun Khao Padab Dinh is held on the full moon. During this festival people make special offerings to all decreased, not only to the own ancestors.
10 Boun Khao Padab Dinh Lao Lum Pak Beng District
12 Hmong festival Hmong Xay, La District
Boun Kin Jieng Ho, Hmong, Phouxang, Kohill, Lao houy Namor district
Boun Mahacha

1 comment:

  1. When you attend a music festival this year be sure to connect with history as you sit back in the sun and enjoy the natural combination of music, dance and the great outdoors, for the modern music festival has its origins in Ancient Greece when outdoor festivals were a combination of competitions in music and dance of great magnitude in their day.see more at-festivals
